
100% Grass Fed Beef

We are taking reservations on 2025 beef! Our next processing date is May 20, 2025.

At Harmony Hills Farm, our growing herd of Southpoll steers is a core part of our commitment to regenerative agriculture. We move “the boys” to fresh pasture twice daily, ensuring they always have plenty of grass for grazing. This also concentrates their impact on the pasture to help build organic matter in our soil. This virtuous cycle improves pasture quality year after year, eliminating the need for toxic off-farm inputs while at the same time improving the nutritional quality of our beef.

The Southpoll breed is a critical part of our grass fed beef business. They are uniquely adapted to our climate - in particular the hot, humid summers. Unlike their commercial feedlot cousins, the Southpolls’ smaller frames make them more efficient grazers, helping them fatten up on grass alone. Finally, their calm and curious demeanor ensures stress-free handling - arguably the most critical part of animal welfare here at Harmony Hills Farm.

We harvest our steers no earlier than two years of age. This gives our animals time to flesh out as much as they can on grass alone, with excellent results to date. Harvest times are late spring and fall to coincide with optimum pasture quality. You can reserve your 1/4 (split-half), 1/2 or whole beef at a significant discount, or purchase individual cuts year round subject to availability.